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Thomas Prorok
Deputy Managing Director
Thomas Prorok is Deputy Managing Director of the Austrian-based KDZ Centre for Public Administration Research. For more than 15 years, he has been working in the field of Public Administration Reform, Decentralisation and Local Governments as well as EU Integration. He is also head of the Austrian CAF-Center, the European system for quality management in the public sector. He studied European Law, holds a Master degree in Political Science from the University of Vienna and is an editor of manifold publications on local governments, quality management and European integration.
Alexandra Schantl
Senior expert and team coordinator
Alexandra Schantl is senior expert and team coordinator for European Governance and Urban Policies at the KDZ Centre for Administration Research in Vienna. She has 20 years of working experience in the field of European Integration and EU Funding and Financing, being – among others – head of the “Europe Direct Vienna” EU citizens’ information office at the Vienna Business Agency before joining the KDZ in 2008. She has been a lecturer for various international organisations and institutions including the Council of Europe and the University for Applied Sciences BFI in Vienna. Furthermore, Alexandra Schantl is president of the European Federalists Vienna and a board member of the Urban Forum – Egon Matzner Institut für Stadtforschung.
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Bernhard Krabina
Senior expert and team coordinator
Bernhard Krabina is senior expert and team coordinator for European Governance and Urban Policy at the KDZ-Centre for Public Administration Research in Vienna. With 17 years of working experience in the field of public sector modernisation, his main areas of work are Open Government, Public Governance, and Knowledge Management. He holds a Master’s degree in Social and Business Sciences and a certificate in knowledge management by Knowledge Management Austria. He is co-founder of the Austrian chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation and the School of Data Austria and part-time lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna.
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Dalilah Pichler
Research Associate
Dalilah Pichler is a research associate and consultant at KDZ Centre for Public Administration Research since 2019. She studied International Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business with a focus on public management and accounting. After 3 years of professional experience in financial auditing and tax consulting, she completed a master’s degree in Public Administration at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her work and research focuses on local public finances, urban policies and citizen participation.